The oldest line of birds bred for their feathers.

The brightness, stiffness and gloss along with their beautiful mottle make these feathers unique for the tying of wet and dry flies as well as nymphs. Gallo de León Pardo and Gallo de León Indio are the two breeds. The colours of the Pardo are different speckled browns and ginger and also a red-brown colour with no speckle (Pardo Rubión). The Indio (Dun) ranges from shades of grey to shades of light and dark rusty brown.

  • Gallo de León Breeders Association

    This is the front of a double sided label. The association’s guarantee of a genuine Coq de Leon feather.

  • Gallo de León Breeders Association

    This is the reverse side of the label certifying the origin of the feathers in the Curueño Valley in León, Spain.

León is a province located in the north corner of the north-western region of Castilla y León, Spain. The natural region of the north of the province is known as La Montaña where the Curueño Valley lays at the foothill of the Cantabrian Mountains, with Torrecerredo (2,648 metres) being the highest peak and the river Esla its main catchment.

The rooster breed “Gallo de León” has been reared for the dressing of Wet flies under specific conditions and kept in the natural environment of Curueño Valley since the 17th century where they were mentioned in “The Astorga Manuscript”. Juan de Bergara, the author, describes 33 patterns of wet flies dressed with just silk and rooster feathers from the region. Undoubtedly, they are the oldest line of birds bred for their feathers.